The Managerial Task of Installing Wellconceived Stateoftheart Information and Operating Systems

You may formulate a very sound strategy – well thought out and well written.

Withal, if you fail to successfully implement it, your sound strategy will remain in black and white with yields. This is the reason why management specialists identify equal importance on both the formulation and implementation of the strategy. Strategy formulation and strategy implementation are ii sides of a coin.

And, organizational managers create, agree and maintain this coin with a conscientious look on both sides. In an try to avoid organizational drift and lackluster results, managers of today's organizations must proactively shape their organization's business.

For building a articulate road-map to competitive advantage, business organizations demand not but to develop audio strategy only they as well must successfully implement the strategy. They need to be savvy in strategy execution. A strategy comes to exist known as a winning strategy simply when it is well executed.

However, strategy implementation is very, complicated and time-consuming. Equally Thompson and Strickland put it, "Depending on how much consensus building, motivating, and organizational change is involved, the implementation process tin can take several months to several years."

The top managers accept to accept the lead responsibility for both formulating and implementing strategy.

Still, the board of directors of a company must practise vigilant oversight over the implementation of a strategy to ensure that the strategic management procedure is carried out by the managers that would benefit the stakeholders, particularly the shareholders/owners.

They should act as supportive critics and proactively evaluate the caliber of top-level managers' skills in strategy implementation (strategy formulation too).

Needless to say, competent implementation of strategy along'with superior strategy-making makes an organisation distinctively different from other organizations.

Organizational operation is affected by both strategy-making and competent strategy implementation, a business concern system tin highly wait to become a leading performer in the manufacture if its managers tin proficiently implement its well-conceived strategies.

Since strategy implementation is an activity-oriented activity, it revolves around the management of people and business processes.

Successful implementation of strategy depends on;

  • resolving several issues,
  • creating sound organization construction,
  • managing organizational change,
  • developing core competencies,
  • creating valuable capabilities,
  • leading people effectively,
  • building people-direction skills,
  • integrating the work-efforts of many teams of employees,
  • working out measures to overcome ingrained inertia and the traditional attitude toward staying with the present practices,
  • overcoming pockets of disagreement,
  • securing the cooperation of all those who matter in the strategy implementation,
  • motivating people,
  • achieving continuous improvement in business processes,
  • allocating adequate resources to various work-teams,
  • establishing strategy-supportive policies and corporate civilization, and
  • installing support systems.

ten Strategy Implementation Tasks

Although strategy implementation requires a customized approach, there are some general tasks that managers must perform to successfully implement the strategy. Based on the eight-job prescription provided by Thomson and Strickland, nosotros describe hither the major strategy-implementing tasks.

However, the lessons learned from feel with strategy implementation in different organizations, nosotros suggest 9 tasks for competent implementation of the strategy.

What is important to the managers in this connection is that they must gear their activities to meet the company-specific situations. Company-specific consideration is inevitable due to the existence of unique organizational climate and resource availability in each visitor.

Managers demand to recognize that no 2 organizations are exactly similar; every organisation has its philosophy, direction styles, culture, policies and work procedures, strategies, and unique taboos (prohibitions/restrictions).

Dissimilarities of organizations in these issues require tailoring of deportment to run into the specific needs of each organisation.

10 Strategy Implementation Tasks

  1. Exerting Strategic Leadership.
  2. Building a Capable System.
  3. Linking Budget to Strategy.
  4. Establishing Strategy-Supportive Policies and Procedures.
  5. Instituting Best Practices.
  6. Instituting Mechanisms for Continuous Improvement.
  7. Installing Support Systems.
  8. Designing Strategy-Supportive Reward Systems.
  9. Edifice a Strategy-Supportive Corporate Civilization.
  10. Designing Strategic Control Systems.

1. Exerting Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is a potential source of competitive advantage, and, therefore, highly essential for successful strategy implementation. Strategic leadership is construed as the ability to conceptualize, envision, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change equally necessary.

Information technology is concerned with managing the entire organisation and addressing the ecology changes in the industry and exterior the industry.

Successful strategic leaders in organizations effectively and gainfully influence the employees' beliefs and thoughts. They are capable of creating intellectual capital letter.

Strategic leaders take to perform their substantial controlling responsibilities past themselves.

Although the main responsibleness of strategic leadership rests with the CEO, other strategic; leaders include the board-members, top management team and often bounded general managers.

Without constructive strategic leadership of these people in the organization, it is unthinkable to codify and implement competitive strategies. The/must provide the needed leadership for strategy execution.

The winning leaders perform several tasks about effective strategy implementation:

  1. They keep themselves well-informed of everything that happens |north the organization.
  2. They closely monitor and review the progress in the process of strategy implementation.
  3. They learn lessons from success and obstacles.
  4. They develop a wide network of contacts and sources of information, both formal and informal.
  5. Many leaders practice MBWA (Management by Walking Around) through regular visits to the field and talking with people at dissimilar levels.
  6. They proceed their arrangement responsive to changing weather condition by encouraging people to exist creative and innovative.
  7. They anticipate changes in market requirements and proactively develop new capabilities.
  8. They encourage compliance of ethical standards and they remain committed to moral conduct.
  9. They lead the procedure of making corrective adjustments – decide when to make adjustments and what adjustments to make.

2. Edifice a Capable Organization

In strategy implementation, a very loftier priority is given to building a capable organization.

Giving tiptop priority on this consequence is justified because successful implementation of strategy depends to a peachy extent on a audio system.

And, an system becomes sound when its employees are competent, its management structure has matched with its requirements and it has high competitive capabilities. These are organization-building actions concerned with effective strategy implementation.

  1. Component-ane: Developing competent personnel.
  2. Component-2: Competitive organizational capabilities.
  3. Component-3: Dynamic organization structure.

3. Linking Budget to Strategy

Effective strategy implementation requires reallocating resources to ensure that relevant concern-units/divisions/departments take sufficient budgets to practice their work successfully.

Managers need sufficient funds to carry out their activities related to the strategic plan.

Senior managers responsible for preparing a upkeep in the company demand to take, care of the budgetary requirements of each unit for strategy implementation.

Budgetary requirements must be determined carefully so that fund allocation can be fabricated judiciously.

This is very important because too niggling funding slows progress' and creates obstacles on the way to implementing a strategy. Also, excess funding leads to wastage of resources.

When managers modify a strategy, resource reallocation becomes a necessity. If a particular unit has to play a more critical strategic office due to the changes, it may need more than personnel, equipment, and facilities. Thus, there will exist a need to increase the unit's operating budgets.

Sometimes, companies shift resources from ane unit of measurement to another, downsize some units and upsize others to match the budget with the strategy.

For example, at Northern University, there was a practise of shifting officials/employees from area to area for organizing and promoting a new 'educational product or expansion of academic facilities.

four. Establishing Strategy-Supportive Policies and Procedures

The organizational policies and operating procedures/work procedures must have conformity with strategy. If deviations exist, .strategy implementation will be constrained. Strategy-supportive policies are essential, every bit they provide useful guides for decision making.

Similarly, strategy-supportive piece of work procedures or work practices are unavoidable as any deviation from the existing ones may create resistance from employees.

It is this important for managers of the company to formulate policies and procedures in such a manner that they tin can provide support to effective strategy implementation.

Each change in the organization calls for a revision in policies and procedures if these are not in congruence with the new strategy.

When a company embarks on implementing a new competitive strategy, the senior managers should undertake a comprehensive review of the company'south existing policies and procedures. They have to proactively revise the policies if there is a demand. The policies that are incompatible with the nowadays requirements should be discarded.

This sort of action is essential considering every change in strategy or every initiative for better implementation of strategy requires some changes in piece of work-practices also as some changes in the behavior of employees.

A select set of policies and procedures is likely to steer the deportment and behavior of employees in a management favorable to strategy implementation.

New policies and work procedures help in strategy implementation in several ways.

First, they provide top-down guidance near how certain things demand to be done. They help in aligning the actions and behavior of employees with the requirements of effective strategy implementation.

They place limits on the contained actions of employees. They aqueduct the efforts of people, in the organization in a mode conducive to good strategy implementation. They further help in overcoming.resistance to change.

Secondly (in the case of a visitor having geographically scattered operating units), new policies and procedures facilitate enforcing consistency in how strategy-critical activities are performed.

The company tin can deliver consequent product quality and service to customers when in that location are consistencies in the operating practices of unlike plants, divisions, regional offices or customer service centers.

Thirdly, new policies and procedures promote the creation of a work climate that facilitates effective strategy implementation.

Nonetheless, the creation of a conducive piece of work climate essential for strategy implementation requires well-conceived policies and procedures.

5. Instituting All-time Practices

Best practices refer to the innovative manner in which activities or business processes are performed by companies, which are considered 'all-time-in-industry' or 'best-in-world'.

To put it differently, all-time practices are those business organization activities of either competitors or another organizations that have proved very successful in achieving business goals.

A company may accept best practices, for example, in exceeding customer expectations or in motivating employees. A hire-a-car company, such as Cab One Express of New York, tin exist proud of its all-time do in the sophisticated utilize of information technology.

It might have adult its technology in such a way that the 'station manager'.can see the location of any taxi-cab in New York metropolis on a computer screen and identify each taxi's speed and management as well every bit roads.

A company can identify the best practices of other companies through benchmarking.

Benchmarking is searching out the best practices of other companies. It finds out how well a company performs item activities and processes against the best companies in the industry '(sometimes best in the world). Benchmarking best'practices and then adopting them is important for successful strategy implementation.

All-time practices provide useful functioning targets' for a company to compare itself confronting other best performers. Such performance targets also help a company consider achieving them.

However, in that location is a caveat.

Exact copying of best practices is non desirable' and also not feasible in about cases. Adaptation to company situations is .essential.

All-time practices of other companies need to be modified to make them adaptable. As time passes on after accommodation, these adapted practices can exist gradually improved.

The unique advantage of adopting the all-time practices of other companies is that they aid develop distinctive competencies. These competencies, in turn, "contribute toward superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness."

Nevertheless, the success in instituting all-time practices mostly depends on the listen­set of the frontline employees who must agree to work as agents of change. They must be ready to abandon the old ways of doing things and at the same time must be willing to switch to a best practice mind-prepare.

Many large organizations, especially those competing globally, Involve themselves in benchmarking of best practices.

For case! Xerox – the giant photocopier manufacturer – instituted a policy of benchmarking in the 1980s and 1990s to identify ways to meliorate its operational efficiency.

It benchmarked 1 company for H distribution procedures, another visitor for central computer operations, the third company for marketing, and a dissimilar company. for TQM.

vi. Instituting Mechanisms for Continuous Improvement

Mechanisms for continuous improvement of business organization-operations. and processes (including products and services) are many.

Of them, three are widely used by corporate giants. These are;

  1. Business Process reengineering (simply called reengineering),
  2. Total Quality Management (TQM), and
  3. Half dozen Sigma.

These continuous improvement techniques demand elaboration. Nosotros provide a short explanation of them for a broad understanding of the readers.

seven. Installing Support Systems

Successful strategy implementation entails the establishment of several support systems to carry on business operations.

Well established support systems strengthen company capabilities and at the same time facilitate better implementation of the strategy. In the age of hyper-competition (shaped by globalization and information revolution), companies demand to install cutting-edge information systems and other relevant systems/operating capabilities.

Unless this is washed wisely, they would fail to compete against the rivals with any strategy. State-of-the-art support systems provide a competitive border over the competitors.

Successful companies have a practice of installing required support systems for better execution of their business strategies.

For instance, a company'due south internet-related support systems include attractive websites, reliable server capacity, Credit card payment arrangement, hardware, and software systems to handle gild processing/invoicing/accounts receivables/inventory, etc., warehousing systems and many more.

8. Designing Strategy-Supportive Reward Systems

The reward and motivation systems in the company need to be such that they promote better strategy implementation.

Strategy supportive incentive systems essentially help in gaining employee commitment for strategy implementation. The reward systems should exist linked with strategy-related performance.

High performers (i.e., employees with skillful operation) should exist rewarded fairly to boost upwards their commitment Rewards tin exist given in the grade of financial or non-financial incentives. Successful managers can finer use motivational incentives/rewards as a tool for strategy implementation.

To finer apply reward systems, managers demand to first, emphasize more than on. financial incentives (such as college bacon, bonuses, pension, and provident fund facilities, gratuity, stock options).

Nonetheless, non-financial incentives are non less of import.

Non-financial positive incentives include better chore security, recognition of employees publicly, praising employees for good performance, good words about an employee in the visitor's newsletter, challenging assignments, growth opportunities, rapid promotion, employee empowerment/determination making autonomy, etc.

The reward organisation should be designed with conscientious considerations of several factors;

  1. The monetary payoff should be a major percentage of the bounty package.
  2. All managers and workers should get incentives.
  3. The reward system should be administered with care and fairness.
  4. The incentives should be linked to operation targets, which have been spelled out in the strategic programme.
  5. The performance-targets of each employee should be adamant about each employee's outcomes that he/she tin can personally influence in his/her arena of activities (not outside the arena of influence).
  6. Rewards should promptly exist paid afterward the determination of expert functioning.
  7. Budgetary rewards should be supplemented with the Hberal utilize of nonmonetary rewards.
  8. Skirting the organization to reward nonperformers should exist avoided. (It may be wise not to punish failure If tie failure originates from circumstances beyond the control of the employee).

9. Building a Strategy-Supportive Corporate Culture

Whenever a company'due south civilization is compatible with strategy strategy-implementation becomes easier. If there is a mismatch between the 2. obstacles are created.

When a corporate civilisation does not fit the new strategy, managers need to change the culture. But it is easier said than done. Managers face a real challenge while trying to transform the inbuilt existing civilisation into a strategy- supportive civilisation.

Managers have two options:

  1. change those facets or aspects of culture that have a misfit with strategy'due south requirements, or
  2. modify the strategy to marshal with the existing culture if that civilization is not an obstacle to strategy implementation.

Where does corporate civilisation come from?

Corporate civilisation originates from the sociological forces in the organization. Many components of corporate culture originate with the company's founders(s) and other strong leaders. Corporate culture consists of values behavior, norms, work practices, management styles followed, and overall piece of work environment of the company.

These are commonly shared by all employees. As defined by Hills and Jones, Organizational culture is the specific collection of values and norms that are shared past people and groups in an system and that control the style they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization."

Values (i.e., beliefs and ideas) and norms govern how employees can carry inside the organization.

A company may have a ascendant culture and subcultures. When the bulk of employees share the core values of the arrangement, the culture is dominant.

Information technology is the macro-view of civilisation. When a particular department or unit or role of a company has its value system, and so subculture develops in that detail area.

However, in 'subculture, core values are retained but some additional values unique to that area are composite. Again, civilization can be stiff or weak. In a strong culture, core values are widely shared, in a weak culture, core values are non intensely shared and as a result, it has less touch on employee beliefs.

Inquiry indicates that strategy-supportive corporate culture motivates employees to implement a strategy with their hearts, and souls.

They are motivated because they find an environment where they feel enthusiastic to perform their duties: A strategy-supportive culture too provides a system of breezy rules and peer pressure level for doing jobs.

Strategy implementers should go along in heed that conflicts between strategy and culture tin can result in perils, through weakening employees' commitment. Thus, for strategic success, civilization has to be changed rather than making changes in strategy.

In a turbulent business environment, strategic success requires a civilization that can support the company's efforts in implementing a strategy.

That ways, an adaptive culture is a necessity for effective strategy implementation, It is the prime responsibleness of the CEO/top leaders to ensure an adaptive cultural milieu then that employees find a strong fit between strategy and culture.

10. Designing Strategic Control Systems

An important task of managers is to design strategic control systems for successfully implementing a strategy. Strategic control systems provide managers the tools to regulate and govern their activities.

In strategic control, managers first select strategy and organization construction and then create control systems to evaluate and monitor the progress of activities directed towards implementing strategies.

Finally, they prefer corrective actions through adjustments in the strategy if variations are detected. Strategic controls tin be both proactive and reactive.

When proactive, control systems help in keeping an arrangement on track, anticipating futurity events and responding to opportunities and threats. When reactive, strategic controls notice deviations afterwards events accept occurred so take corrective actions.

Strategic control systems further help managers accomplish superior efficiency, quality, innovation and responsiveness to customers. Strategic managers can measure efficiency by comparison the total inputs with the total outputs (how many units of inputs are used to produce a unit of output).

Strategic managers create a control system to monitor the quality of products. When customers' complaints are nonexistent or negligible and inappreciably customers return the product (such equally mechanism/equipment) for repair, managers indicate the quality of products.

The strategic control organization can also aid in encouraging the employees to think about innovation through the decentralization of authority, empowerment of employees, and monitoring the functioning of each workgroup/team.

Lastly, the strategic control system makes employees more responsive to customers through evaluating and monitoring employees' behavior and contact with customers.

Strategic controls are mainly of three types:

  • Financial Control.
  • Output Command.
  • Behavior Control.

Managers employ a fiscal control organisation to mensurate a company's financial operation.

For effective fiscal control, they institute financial goals (e.g., growth, profitability, return to shareholders) and then measure the actual achievement of those goals.

In the example of the output control system, managers forecast performance goals for each unit of measurement and employee. They measure out the actual operation of the units and employees.

Lastly, they compare the actual functioning against the goals already prepare for them.

When the performance of employees or units is linked to the reward organisation, the output control itself provides an incentive structure for employee motivation in the organization.

A beliefs control system refers to a comprehensive arrangement of rules and procedures. These are prescribed to directly the behavior/deportment of employees at each level of the organisation.

Rules and procedures standardize the mode of reaching the goals.

Two forms of behavior control are;

  1. operating budgets and
  2. standardization of inputs, conversion activities (programming work activities so that they are done the aforementioned style time and again), and outputs.

Successful strategy implementation requires, among others, a control system that matches the organization's strategy. Strategic managers should ensure that fiscal and output controls are supplemented with behavior controls for efficient achievement of goals.


This affiliate deals with the Various strategy implementation tasks that strategy-implementers need to take care of. Also, they accept to give careful attention to the emerging changes that regularly take place in the organization.

The strategic management procedure in a concern organisation reaches the finishing line (although practically it never ends because of its ongoing nature due to continuous developments in the business concern environment) when the strategy-managers undertake an evaluation of the strategic deportment and make corrective adjustments wherever necessary.

This concluding issue will be addressed in the last chapter, and with that chapter, yous will get to the end of the strategic management process.


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